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    NEWS — art show

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    Tim Burton Themed Art Show

    Tim Burton Themed Art Show

    On one of the biggest holiday shopping weekends Studio 21 Tattoo will be having a Tim Burton Themed Art Show at our studio. A call to all artists to invite them to participate, this should be a really fun show. A flyer for the show will be posted on our social media to give you all the particulars on the show, so keep an eye out. It will be a charity event.




    WHERE: 6020 W. FLAMINGO RD., STE. B-2, LAS VEGAS, NV 89103


    1. Embracing Small Business Saturday, Shop Local!
    2. Any medium, anything related to Tim Burton
    3. Limited art space – reasonable size please
    4. $500 Cap on pricing (suggest smaller pieces priced to sell $150-$250)
    5. Studio 21 Tattoo Gallery commission 30%
    6. Children’s charity will be announced 
    7. Please have appropriate hardware on artwork, ready to hang
    8. Details of event will be posted on Instagram @studio21tattoo and FB Studio 21 Tattoo
    9. You’ll be asked to fill out paperwork for your art piece upon drop-off (title, artist, medium, price, brief description of artwork, and contact information)
    10. Artwork must be picked up by Monday, Dec. 10th.
    11. If not local, arrange for someone local to pick up your artwork.
    12. No out of U.S. submissions, unless you want to donate art to the charity to be announced. We will not be mailing back.

    SECRET WALLS – Las Vegas Semi Finals

    SECRET WALLS – Las Vegas Semi Finals

    IMG_0350 copyIMG_0424 copyIMG_0485 copyIMG_0529 copyIMG_7890 copyIMG_0277 copyIMG_0335 copyIMG_0267 copyStudio 21 Tattoo Gallery is SUPER excited to announce that they have two artists advancing to the final round of the Las Vegas Secret Walls event! Live painting in front of a sea of people with only 90 minutes to bring something crowd pleasing to the canvas, we have somehow managed to have 2 out of 3 of the artists in THE FINAL ROUND!! The Studio 21 Tattoo team has been having a blast with this event and can’t thank you guys enough for coming out and supporting. If you’ve had the chance to come to the party, you understand how not only is it fun but challenging for the guys. Painting LIVE is sometimes a little nerve wrecking, being up on stage in front of so many people can get your stomach turning at times, not to mention you cant really prepare..meaning no sketching, no reference and literally just free styling a very large original painting in 90 minutes flat. Las Vegas has brought out some of its best underground and well known local artists to compete for the crown in this rad event. The artist bracket is  now down to ONLY 3 guys. The Semi Finals took place Wednesday August 24th at The Container Park in Downtown Las Vegas late that night. Finishing up around 11:30 pm the crowd was asked to cheer for their favorite artists one by one collecting a reading for the LOUDEST group screaming for their favorite artist. After 6 different super loud ongoing group yelling bouts, they reached a final count and slowly announced the winners…for 3rd place at blah blah blah decibles….AUSTIN SPENCER!! Yup. I barely squeezed in  the Final Round, but I’ll totally take it. 2nd Place was taking by Ryan Brunty and the final and most important spot, 1st PLACE was savagely taken by the one and only Tyson “Savage Son” Tamaoe!! Unfortunately our MOST TALENTED buddy Mike Biggs somehow got bamboozled out of his spot. I call technical difficulties..or suspect activity ha ha. In my mind Mike won that night, selling his painting for 3X what our painting sold for..next time buddy! Your the man Mike Biggs! Studio 21 tattoo took the 1st and 2nd spot once again hitting it hard and solidifying 2 spots in the FINAL ROUND. Can’t wait. Be sure to be there and support the crew! It will be a damn good time.




    SECRET WALLS Downtown Las Vegas

    SECRET WALLS Downtown Las Vegas

    Secret-Walls-4-20-16-KD-59static1.squarespaceIt’s been a handful of years since I’ve know David of Civillian clothing. He’s come a long way and worked his ass off to create an impressive movement in local Las Vegas streetwear/hip hop culture. David’s newest venture, teaming up with a super rad event “Secret Walls” has us all sorts of stoked! If you haven’t heard about this fuckin’ event…lemme drop some knowledge on ya. “Secret Walls” is a super simple event based on a group of six artists givin’ only BLACK paint and each a large white canvas. During a 90 minute stretch each artist is giving this allotted amount of time to paint ANYTHING they want on their blank canvas. After the hour and a half is up, the crowd will be given a chance to voice their opinion on the favorite hand painted canvas one artist at a time…by YELLING THIER BRAINS OUT for their favorite artist! This is a pretty damn stressful time, during the 90 minutes up on a stage painting…Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that the artists are also up on a stage in front of a TON of people pressured by the crowd to come up with somethin’ worth yelling about! “Don’t fuck up”, “Make it cool”,  “Don’t fall off the stage” , “Don’t take another shot”, “Beer me” all  going through my head as I’m pounding beers and taking shots handed up from crowd members..all while painting a giant picture in a super short amount of time. It might seem like 90 minutes isn’t much time to paint a giant canvas from start to finish, because it ISN”T. It goes quick, and is quite the challenge. So the real exciting part about this whole story is that as we sit today here at Studio 21 Tattoo..we’ve takin’ home the first place title ALL THREE EVENTS. No biggie. We’re pretty excited about this! Not only are we enjoying participating and havin’ a great time supporting the event..we’re actually winning too! The goal is to get all three of our guys to the final round so we have all Studio 21 artists battling it out! I honestly think it would be pretty fun battling my buddies and even losing to a couple of the most talented artists i know. Mike Biggs, Tyson and I are super stoked to be a part of this event and can’t thank David and Secret Walls Las Vegas enough. We need you guys to show up and YELL for us at all the upcoming battles, so keep posted and we’ll let you know about the future events and would love to see ya come out and support! Be sure to check out Tysonand Mikes work!

    Thanks Guys!

    Austin Spencer


    Donuts and Robots Art Show

    Donuts and Robots Art Show

    Instead of complaining that Las Vegas doesn’t have anything going on..or no CULTURE…Blah Blah Blah….do yourself a favor, get out and check out what this crazy city and the little hole in the wall small business have to offer. Stop by Studio 21 Tattoo Gallery on May 21st 2016 from 6-9pm to help raise money for a great cause! Studio 21 Tattoo is crazy enough to have ART, BEER, DONUTS, HOT DOGS, and ROBOTS all in one place at the SAME time. Team 987, a local High School Robotics program is in need of some funds to help get some of their super talented passionate Robot builders to China to compete in another WORLD Championship event…NO BIGGIE. Studio 21 is gonna help bring some of our coolest friends together and throw a kick ass party to help make some SH*T HAPPEN for these guys! We’ll have a Live Robot Demo from the Cimmarron Memorial High School kids at Team 987 themselves. Joseph James Brewery will be out to serve up a tasting of they’re ever so impressive selection of locally brewed beers. Buldogis Gourmet Hot Dogs will be on site with the best Hot Dogs…EVER, including VEGAN options. Studio 21 also put together an impressive line up of the most talented artists who are going to hand paint Donut shaped canvases to be displayed and auctioned off via a silent auction at the show! Collectively donating all sorts of goodies, gift certificates, merchandise, art and prizes our friends and clients will be putting together some impressive gift baskets for the raffle we’re having too! So Get the kids, your ol’ lady, handsome husband, your lover/partner and your neighbor, or your tender date together and come by to check out a fun culturally stimulating little event that’s helping do something BIG for some really rad Las Vegas kids. We really hope to see you there!

    Austin Spencer

    Owner/ Artist

    Studio 21 Tattoo Gallery



    :::FOLLOW UP:::

    Here’s a quick video recap of the event and how it all worked  out! Please check it out!!


    Cannons Fired

    With cannons exploding, beer flowing, aggressive ping pong battles in full effect, the “Salty Holograms” closing party equaled much success. Probably  the most interactive art show I’ve attended, Travis Jackson and Ryan Tino were offering the opportunity to blast off a custom made “faux” pirate canon with a chance to land the foam canon ball into an open pirate chest on the opposing side of the gallery. For every sunkin’ booty chest you were given the experience of screen printing a shirt of your own size and choice of graphic to take home. Black and white illustrations layered in a collage effect with vintage photos backed by hand painted murals and one off screen printed shirts, zines, and an assortment of other goodies lurked amongst the plaid and corduroy hipsters. Look forward to seein’ more of the guys work in the future for sure, the guys are always participating in Studio 21′s group art shows and fundraisers. Thanks for the beer n’ vegan pizza, count me in at the next event. Be sure to peep thehttp://twelve21gallery.com for futuristic good times next time you are in the Las Vegas Arts District.

    Austin Spencer/Studio 21 Tattoo Gallery